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64 65 66 7:09 Fri Jul 22
Shots fired in Munich
Another attack

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SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:59 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
stomper 3:27 Tue Jul 26

Has the woman who heard him shout 'Allahu Ahkbar' changed her mind or was the bloke only capable of shouting one thing?

ted fenton 11:47 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
The two men in Normandy have been shot dead.

Lily Hammer 11:36 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
It'll be a Jap.

mashed in maryland 11:34 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
#PrayFor... the perps to be white nationalists, kids with mental difficulties, or basically anyone except Muslims.

ted fenton 11:30 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich

A police source says two men armed with knives have taken several people hostage in a church in Normandy.

Ticky Tock.

Willtell 10:02 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
From Wikipedia
"African Americans are the largest racial minority, amounting to 13.2% of the population."

I guess half are women and the rest kids so 6% seems right mim

mashed in maryland 9:39 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Willtell 1:58 Tue Jul 26

African-American males are 6%.

stomper 3:27 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Ridikzappa 11:29 Mon Jul 25

'Which was two days after an Iranian Muslim shouted "Allahu Akbar" during his shooting spree in a German mall. '
Actually he shouted "Auslander schiesse" which means 'foreign shit' and invokes no deity that I know of.

Willtell 1:58 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Are you saying that Afro/Americans are only 6% of the population of USA? Because i think the total is closer to 12%

BRANDED 12:03 Tue Jul 26
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Nips now

A man was arrested after killing 19 people and injuring 45 others in a stabbing rampage at a facility for the disabled in Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture near Tokyo, local media reported, citing authorities.

BRANDED 11:58 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
I have a mate who has attended high end "swinger" parties. Sound fucking horrible.

Northern Sold 11:53 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich


mashed in maryland 12:22 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
50% of those killed in the US come from a demographic that makes up 6% of their population, and almost always its the same demographic that does the killing.

Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a clue, they've been quite vocal lately about their lives mattering.

Also, in 2015, 27,000+ people were killed worldwide by Islamic terror. That's about the same amount of people who used to attend Upton Park in the 90s.

Wonder how many more people need to die before we work out that certain groups of people need a fucking kick up the arse so they stop killing anything that looks at them funny.

BRANDED 12:12 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Number of gun violence incidents in USA 2016 = 30,216
Number of deaths = 7,791
Number of injuries= 16,000

Is it guns, or politics or religion or poverty or drugs or mental health or individual people causing all this mayhem?

BRANDED 12:06 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
here's a list of USA mass shootings in 2006.
Its 9 pages long


mashed in maryland 12:05 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Gang violence between white NRA member Trump voters we hope.

Hermit Road 12:00 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Fort Myers looks like good old fashioned gang violence.

riosleftsock 11:55 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
This lad with the Glock pistol was on benefits apparently.

No way in the world would he have the dough to buy the pistol and 300 rounds.

Also, he must have been trained to use it.

Ridikzappa 11:29 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Well, looks like a Syrian "refugee" just blew himself up at a cafe in Germany.

Which was a couple hours after another Syrian "refugee" killed a pregnant German woman with a machete.

Which was two days after an Iranian Muslim shouted "Allahu Akbar" during his shooting spree in a German mall.

Which was one week after a "refugee child" from Afghanistan yelled "Allahu Akbar" while hacking Germans to death with a hatchet on a German train.

Which of course came after the investigation concluded that nearly 2,000 German women were raped and sexually assaulted by Muslim "refugees" during this year's New Year celebrations.

Which came after the announcement that so many girls were sexually assaulted by Muslim "refugees" during a Swedish music festival this year that US bands like Mumford and Sons refused to return until they get a handle on the situation.

Which was a couple of days after a Muslim from Morocco stabbed a French mother and her three young daughters at a French resort for wearing shorts and refusing to cover up.

Which came after US backed "moderate Muslims" beheaded a 12yr old Syrian boy on TV.

Which came two weeks after another Islamic attack in France where the terrorist killed 80+ people, running over men, women, and little children with a truck, crushing and dragging them to their deaths.

Which was right after Muslims blew themselves up at a Belgian airport.

Which came after Islamic extremist "refugees" attacked Paris, slaughtering concert goers and Parisians out to dinner.....even going so far as to record themselves torturing and mutilating the men and women on camera before killing them.

Which of course came right after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France.

Sir Alf 11:26 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
The conditions for all this is multi cultural integration. The foundations laid in the 90s by Blair and Mandelson (Red Tories) and continued by Blue Tories. May is or was a Blairite in her devotion to neo liberalism too and the "trickle down" economics which was precisely the opposite and has proven to be "trickle up" economics with the elites richer than at anytime in the last 100 years.

Anyway, the analogy of an infected water supply comes to mind. UK and Europe open the pipes to a new source of water. While most of it is fine to drink from the front of the pipe, there are pockets of sewage in it around the U-bend. First thing you do is turn off the pipe, second thing you do is start to isolate the infected water and erradicate it. I think this country has just voted for turning off the supply. The media and establishment who have a vested interest economially in the cheap water, are still struggling with that. What governments now need to do, is to be proactive and erradicate the infection. Shame those in control cannot let go of their idealism. Cultures too far apart struggle to integrate. The gender inequality issue is evidence alone to say enough is enough.

While I understand political correctness and its role to reverse long held racist beliefs, the pendulum has swung too far and its time to recognise the problem and "do something" about it. Does not mean repatriation etc.. but does mean clamping down on religious sponsored universities and students, faith schools, zero tolerance for crimes against women as per UK law not sharia and does mean sending the message that you are not allowed total freedom to follow your faith if it impinges on the secular, not Islamic, culture you live in. Dont agree, then you will be offered an option to return to a country where you do respect the laws and culture of the land.

Of course, you say anything like this its racism but reality is it will take a zero tolerance stance and hard line to put a lid on it in just this country.

Sadly, Multi culture does not work when 2 cultures are too far apart. Basic anthropology. :-(

Josh 11:23 Mon Jul 25
Re: Shots fired in Munich
Teens night in a club.

2 dead - 14 wounded in Fort Meyers.
Victims ages 13-17

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